

About Norwich Institute of Healthy Ageing

NIHA develops and implements effective strategies to promote sustained population behaviour change, in order to improve physical and mental wellbeing.

NIHAs research falls primarily under three core Research Themes

A core interest in NIHA is establishing the impact of nutrition, physical activity, sleep and smoking status on health outcomes, and how to deliver effective behaviour change interventions

Behaviour change (including healthy eating, physical activity, non-smoking, moderate alcohol consumption, medication adherence, sleep and socialisation), promotes human flourishing and health and reduces the risk of premature disease by up to 70%

Our research contributes to the UK Healthy Ageing Grand Challenge to increase healthy life expectancy by 5 years by 2035, while narrowing the gap between the experience of the richest and poorest


Our research and impact is co-produced, and inter-disciplinary with individuals across a multi-disciplinary team.

NIHA membership includes:

  • Behavioural scientists
  • Psychologists
  • Nutritionists
  • Basic scientists
  • Clinicians
  • Digital health expertise
  • AI and big data capacity
  • Health Economics
  • UEA Health and Social Care Partners
  • Commercial partners
  • Norfolk Public Health and local government
  • Healthcare partners (NHS)
  • Norfolk community organisations
  • Voluntary Sector organisations

Our Key Themes


NIHA is proud to work within a multi-disciplinary team. All of our research is co-produced, and inter-disciplinary with team members including behavioural scientists, clinicians, health economics experts, commercial pertners, local governments and the wider Norfolk community, among many more.