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Evaluation of Age Healthy Norwich Pilot Interventions

Age Healthy Norwich is a Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise collaboration aiming to improve the health of the ageing population in Norwich through personalised physical and social activity. They aim to create a visible, active-ageing experience in Norwich through the delivery of a range of projects and by offering preventive support that is tailored to the individual’s health condition or personal goals. The anticipated outcomes of their approach are to provide recovery, self-care or to manage a long-term condition.
NIHA has evaluated a health and wellbeing intervention delivered by Age Healthy Norwich that aimed to lessen the known barriers to activity engagement. As part of the intervention participants received a weekly activity session, of their choosing, run by a Health Coach and were able to select something to support their physical health (e.g. COVID reconditioning, strength and balance activities, walking, dance, becoming an exercise buddy) or something to support mental health (e.g. creative writing, singing, military reminiscence, arts and crafts, pet fostering, gardening). Participants were also offered support to stop smoking and a weight management support programme.
Key Focus
This project is aiming to improve the health of the ageing population in Norwich through personalised physical and social activity.
NIHA is conducting evaluations of Age Healthy Norwich Pilot Interventions Age Healthy Norwich is a Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) collaboration aiming to improve the health of the ageing population in Norwich through personalised physical and social activity.
The collaboration is formed of Age UK Norwich, Exercising People in Communities (EPIC Norfolk), Norwich Theatre Royal, and Norwich Door to Door.
If you would like more information on this project please contact the NIHA manager, Anna Sweeting by email: A.Sweeting@uea.ac.uk