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The Nutrition and Healthy Life Expectancy Trial (NuLifE) will be the first UK-wide nutrition primary prevention trial to establish the impact of a whole diet intervention on the risk of transition from health to a clinical diagnosis of cardiometabolic diseases in adults.

The framework for NuLifE (Phase 1) was established by the NuLifE consortium in 2020-2021 (15 University Partners) through a series of MRC-funded workshops 1, the deliverable of the second study phase (intervention development, which is the current focus of the project) is a fully specified intervention ready for feasibility testing.
The key research objectives, which will be delivered by a collaboration with a broad range of stakeholders including local government, public health, third sector, e.g., Norfolk Community Foundation, Feeding Britain and social supermarkets and people with lived experience of food poverty, are to:
- define intervention components and delivery methods that can be effectively implemented in community interventions. This work will build on existing community assets, our lived experience conversations, and the MedEx-UK intervention 2.
- develop highly specified intervention components and delivery methods which will be mapped to behaviour change theories and can be selected based on community/individual resources and circumstances.
1. Carter J, Mathers J, Fairweather-Tait S, et al. Medical Research Council Hot Topic workshop report: Planning a UK Nutrition and Healthy Life Expectancy Trial. Nutrition Bulletin 2021; 46(3): 395-408.
2. Shannon OM, Lee V, Bundy R, et al. Feasibility and acceptability of a multi-domain intervention to increase Mediterranean diet adherence and physical activity in older UK adults at risk of dementia: protocol for the MedEx-UK randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2021; 11(2): e042823.