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Optimising healthy behaviours for wellbeing
Norwich Institute of Healthy Ageing (NIHA)
Focus on health and disease prevention with an emphasis on brain, cardiometabolic, gut and musculoskeletal health
The Norwich Institute of Healthy Ageing (NIHA) develops and implements effective strategies to promote sustained population behaviour change, in order to improve physical and mental well-being.
Over 50% of our health status is determined by our lifestyle behaviours.
A core interest in NIHA is establishing the impact of nutrition, physical activity, sleep and smoking status on health outcomes, and how to deliver effective behaviour change interventions
Our research contributes to the UK Healthy Ageing Grand Challenge to increase healthy life expectancy by 5 years by 2035, while narrowing the gap between the experience of the richest and poorest

About Norwich Institute of Healthy Ageing (NIHA)
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